Our Non-Tradtional Wedding Ceremony

We wrote our own wedding ceremony to create a wedding that represented us, our independence and our love. We used the internet, our justice of the piece and a friends’ ceremony for inspiration and ideas. The end result was a wedding that was unique, non-traditional and totally “us”.



    We gather here today in joy to witness and celebrate an act of deep love. Jessy Hanley and Melissa VandenbBrink, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage, and to dedicate themselves to each others happiness and well-being as life mates and partners.
    May this day be filled with joy and happiness,
    May this day be a beautiful and meaningful one,
    May this day be a day of great rejoicing, for you, Jessy and Melissa

Wishes for the Couple


    Jessy and Melissa were brought together in the beginning, and their love grew. We ask that they be protected them from anything which might harm this marriage, they have courage when obstacles come their way and learn to forgive one another when they fail.

    We ask finally that in their old age, they may love one another as deeply and cherish each other as much as they do at this very moment.

Apache Indian Blessing


    Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be the shelter for the other.
    Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth for the other.
    Now there will be no more loneliness, for each of you will be the companion to the other.
    Now you are two bodies, but there is only one life before you.
    May you live in love and joy, together, now and always.

Unconditional Love


    Love bears all, Believes all, And endures all,
    Love never fails, And though there are many different kinds of love,
    The greatest of all is unconditional love.

    What the Sages are telling us here is to love one another without reservation or prerequisite – to be understanding of each others’ faults and to rise above the particular situation, to exercise your option to put aside the minor annoyances of the day and focus instead on your deep and abiding love for one another, through your many years together, whenever you become angry or frustrated, I hope that you will remember these words: “The greatest of all is unconditional love.”



    Now, standing here in the presence of nature, please repeat these words after me with all the love that fills your hearts.


    Yes, I Jessy choose you, Melissa
    To be my wife — My friend, my love,
    I will be yours in plenty and in want
    In sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph,
    I will cherish you and respect you
    Comfort you and encourage you
    and together we shall live
    Freed and bound by our love.


    Yes, I Melissa choose you, Jessy
    To be my wife — My friend, my love,
    I will be yours in plenty and in want
    In sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph,
    I will cherish you and respect you
    Comfort you and encourage you
    And together we shall live
    Freed and bound by our love.

    And so it is.

Ring Ceremony


    Melissa, take this ring as a token of your love for Jessy. Place it on your bride’s finger and repeat after me:


    With this ring, I give you my promise
    That from this day forward
    You shall never walk alone
    My heart will be your shelter
    My arms will be your home
    We will walk together through life
    as partners and best friends.

    I promise that I shall always do my best
    To love and accept you exactly the way you are.

    With this ring, I give you your freedom and my trust in you
    I give you my heart until the end of time
    I have no greater gift to give.


    Jessy, take this ring as a token of your love for Melissa, place it on her finger, and repeat after me:


    With this ring, I give you my promise
    That from this day forward
    You shall never walk alone
    My heart will be your shelter
    My arms will be your home
    We will walk together through life
    as partners and best friends
    I promise that I shall always do my best
    To love and accept you exactly the way you are

    With this ring, I give you your freedom and my trust in you
    I give you my heart until the end of time
    I have no greater gift to give.


    As you now hold hands, I would like you to think about the deeper meaning of this ring ceremony.
    You are, in effect, saying to each other:

    I place my heart near yours, so that I may feel your joys, as well as your sorrows, and respond to them. And just as the circle of the rings is without end, so may the love that you share endure forever and ever.

    When you’re married, you join hands and become one.

    As you walk through life together, remember that you are both unique and different from each other.

    Give your love openly and honestly.
    Do not try to change each other; your differences helped to bring you together.
    Always respect and accept what the other has to say, even if you do not agree.
    Remember that you are two separate individuals. You are one, you are partners, you are living the same life, yet, your lives may be different. You have yourself and you have each other
    Take time to enjoy every day you share together and remember that each day is a new beginning. You will be sharing today’s and tomorrows together and making each one more treasured and more complete than anyone could make alone.

    In marriage, walk the path together, side by side whenever possible.
    Remember to hold each other when it is cold.
    If the air becomes to close, make a little space so each can breathe.
    When the path is narrow, pick one to go first.
    Be willing to follow and never be afraid to lead.
    Trust your partner; trust yourself.
    For marriage is a journey that leads to great love.

Candle Ceremony


    Now, we’re going to engage in a ceremony of symbolism. Ancient sages tell us that for each of us, there is a candle, a symbol of our own inner light, but that no one can kindle his or her own candle. Each of us needs someone else to kindle it for us.

    When two people fall in love, they kindle each other’s candles, creating great light and joy and glorious expectations.

    Now, Jessy and Melissa, I’d like you to remember when it was in your relationship, that you first realized you were truly in love and wanted to spend the rest of your lives together. And holding that thought.

    Melissa, (pick up candle), take this candle, symbol of the inner light in Jessy, light it by the eternal light, with the dedication to rekindle it again and again, whenever necessary. And Jessy (pick up candle), take this candle, symbol of the inner light in Melissa, light it by, the eternal light, with the dedication to rekindle it again and again, whenever necessary.

    With these candles, we can see how to achieve a beautiful marriage. In your marriage, you will try to bring these lights, the symbols of yourselves, closer and closer to each other, until they become One. ONE – one great torch of light – a radiant symbol of love, joy, peace and harmony. (hold flames together)This is the mystery of the union – two becoming one.

    Yet, it is vitally important to remember that there are always really two (divide the flames) in a marriage, each with his or her own desires, yearnings, dreams and wishes. And these must be respected and responded to with great love, with great compassion and with genuine tenderness.

    We know that it is the hope of your beloved, that you will continuously light these candles of love so that there will always be light and joy, peace and harmony in your hearts and in your home. (put candles down)

Sand Ceremony


    Today, this relationship is also symbolized through the pouring of these two individual containers of sand.

    One, representing you,(Looks to Melissa) and one representing you (Looks to Jessy) and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be

    As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, the individual containers of sand continue to exist, but will also be joined together as one.

    Just as these grains of sand can never be separated, our wish for you today is that your lives together would be blended like the seven seas and may your love swirl around each other like the changing tides.

    Let no one come between or discourage this couple who today have pledged themselves to live together as partners.

Declaration of Marriage


    By the power of their love and commitment to each other, and by the power the power vested in me by the state of Massachusetts, it is my honor and delight to declare Jessy and Melissa married.