I have an odd obsession with labeling food on a table at any party. Then you never have to ask…”what is this?”. If I can add a pun, well it just doesn’t get better than that!
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Diffiuclty Level: Very Easy
What You Do: Food Tents
Step 1: Download & Print the templates

- Download the zip file of psds and pdfs printable files of the flash card templates from above
- Install the required fonts (font installing help here)
- Load the paper into the printer and print each page of cards
Step 2: Place the tents by the food

- Cut out the tents
- Place near each dish
What You Do: Small Lables
Step 1: Print the stickers

- Load the paper into the printer
- Print the 2 copies of the stickers
Step 2: Cut out blue scalloped circles

- For every one sticker, cut out two scalloped circles
- Add a sticker to either side of the circle.
Step 3: Assamble and Small Food Label Sticks

- Using double sided tape, tape the toothpick to the middle of the two circles
- Put the toothpicks into the food that you want to label.