How to create the Baby Sprinkle Invite

One of my very good friends moved out to California before having her second child. Instead of a full blown shower, I decided to throw her a baby sprinkle. Here is the DIY invasion for the party.

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Invite Files

Download the Zip File

Diffiuclty Level: Medium

Baby Sprinkle Poem:

Baby smiles and giggles galore,
Mom Nameand Dad Name are having one more!
Big Sister/Brothers Name has plenty to share,
This is only a “Sprinkle” to show that we care.
Not much is needed, just the basics will do,
Gifts like diapers & books are welcomed from you.Unknown

  What You Do

Step 1: Download the design templates

  1. Download the zip file of psds of the card design files
  2. Install the required fonts (font installing help here)
  3. Update the .psd files with your party information.

Step 2: Print the Invitations

  1. Load the card into your printer
  2. Print the cards

Step 3: Mail your invitations (Custom stamps optional)

  1. Using the stamp file in the zip folder, upload the image up to Zazzle
  2. Place an order and wait for your Stamps to arrive (by mail)
  3. Address your invitations
  4. Mail them!