2015 Half Moon Bay California

Half Moon Bay, California

June 12, 2015 - June 14, 2015 - A wonderful long weekend for Jessy's birthday at the Ritz Carton in Half Moon Bay in California

Day 1 – Friday June 12, 2015

We drove down the coast to beautiful half moon bay. We were shocked at how beautiful it was just a few short mins outside of San Francisco. We arrived to this in the room.
What was in thw room

What was in the room when we checked in

We had a wonderful dinner where the wait staff brought me birthday chocolates! We had lots of wine and lots of laughs.

Day 2 – Saturday June 13, 2015

We slept in and just made our amazing Bloody Mary Brunch.
Bloody Mary Brunch

Bloody Mary Brunch

We then went to the spa and had fantastic massages followed by hot chocolate by the fire.

Day 3 – Sunday June 14, 2015