2012 Tel Aviv, Israel

2012 Tel Aviv, Israel

Jan. 5, 2012 to Jan. 12, 2012 - My second business trip to the Tel Aviv Israel office. This trip I was accompanied by Steve. We were very busy with work while we were there but we did get in a little site seeing and lots of eating!

Where we stayed:

The Leonardo Boutique Hotel Tel Aviv.
It’s very nice. Modern with clean comfortable rooms. The bathroom is fantastic and the breakfast’s that is included is really very nice. It’s also walking distance to our new office which makes it ideal for my Tel Aviv Business trips. I would definitely stay here again.

Don’t Miss…

Near the Office & Hotel

In Jaffa

  • Fantastic local place with traditional food – Pua
  • Great people watching / wine bar (old Jaffa) – Jappo (sorry no website)

In Tel Aviv Proper

  • Great place that also has a wonderful nightlife – Nanuchka
  • Best pancakes I’ve ever had – Benedict

Day 1: Friday Jan. 6, 2012

We landed in the Tel Aviv airport Friday afternoon. In an effort to avoid jet lag we immediately left the hotel so we didn’t fall asleep.
We grabbed a cab and went down to the Port of Tel Aviv. The port of Tel Aviv is a flourishing area with new restaurants opening all the time, a multitude of events and beautiful views. We walked along the water and had dinner at La La Land right on the beach. The food was decent and you can’t beat the location… literately right on the water.

Day 2: Saturday Jan. 7, 2012

Saturday in Israel is pretty quite because it’s sabbath and most stores are closed. However a few restaurants are open.
We decided to go down to Old Jaffa because it’s an Arab area and we hoped more things would be open. Old Jaffa is a kind of a beautiful ancient park in Jaffa city in Israel (right outside of Tel Aviv), which due to its special characteristics it has became one of the popular tourist sites. It was an absolutely beautiful day so after walking around a bit we stopped at a great little cafe to people watch called Jappo.
We wandered outside of old Jaffa to the flea market area of Jaffa proper. We saw a bunch of people standing to get into a restaurant and we took that for a good sign. The place was called Pua and is a definite DO NOT MISS. The food was fantastic and it had a real “local” feel.

Day 3: Sunday Jan. 8, 2012

Sunday was the first working day in the office, otherwise know as Agile day. We spend the day in meetings discussing our process and area’s of improvement. I had a presentation to work on back in the hotel so instead of going into Tel Aviv proper we decided to have dinner close by. There was a sushi samba in our building so we went there for dinner. Steve wanted to watch an American football game so he went to Mike’s Place afterwards and I headed back to the hotel.

Day 4: Monday Jan. 9, 2012

Today was a busy day at work but we’ve found a GREAT coffee place right outside the office called Arcaffe. Turns out it’s a chain but a very good one. (one of Iris’s recommendations). After about 6 hours of meetings Steve and I went down to Dizengoff and the area where all the dance clubs are. We weren’t sure where to eat dinner so we walked into a place called Benedict (as in eggs benedict). It turned out to be a 24/7 breakfast only place. I had the best pancakes of my life there – white chocolate espresso flavored. They were over the top fantastic.

After dinner we walked over to Nanuchka for a drink. Nanuchka is a Georgian restaurant-bar offering Georgian cuisine, music and ambiance, it may sound a little odd but it is very popular. From what we were told (from more than one person) everyone in Tel Aviv goes there. The restaurant turns into quite the happening night spots and we witnessed the transformation while we we sat at the bar. One of the guys who worked there came over to make recommendations (I think he was the wine guy). He suggested a fantastic Israeli Cabernet Sauvignon. All the food that went by smelled great and we regretted being so full from dinner so we are planning to go back Thursday before I have to head to the airport.

Day 5: Tuesday Jan. 10, 2012

I had plans with Shir for dinner on Tuesday. We went to a restaurant near the office that is owned by a famous Israeli chef called Segev Express. The decor was very pretty with white trees lining the hall way. I had my very first taste of ostrich. Who knew… it tasted like beef instead of chicken. πŸ˜‰

Day 6: Wednesday Jan. 11, 2012

Wednesday was the night we decided to have a team outing. We didn’t want anything too fancy so we went to Mike’s Place near the office. It’s an American style place with tex-mex and bar food. I had chicken fingers (aka schnitzel fingers) and we had a great time just drinking and talking.

Day 7: Thursday Jan. 12, 2012

Last night in Israel and my flight was leaving 12:40am so I had to be to the airport around 9:45. Steve and I decided to eat near the hotel. We walked up to a recommendation from someone at goocha – Giraffe We sat at the bar and the bartender kept refilling our glass of wine for free. The food was Chinese and delicious. Traditional woc cooking right in front of us and the deserts were BEAUTIFUL. I would def. recommended this spot.