2012 East Hampton, New York

2012 East Hampton, New York

July 14, 2012 - July 20, 2012 : A relaxing week in East Hampton with the Ban's (including baby Milo) and Melissa and Jay. Lots of pool time and group cooking.

Day 1 – Saturday July 14, 2012:

We all arrived pretty late in the day and settled in the house. Don and I drove into town to get lunch at a really nice deli called Damark’s Deli. To make things easy we ordered in pizza and just hung out and watched Milo be adorable.

Day 2 – Sunday July 15, 2012

Day one was a day of sleeping, I took three naps. The day was lovely so we played in the pool and all made a dinner of fajitas. After dinner Milo had a diaper breach wich was hysterical.

Day 3 – Monday July 16, 2012:

Mostly just pool time today except for one trip to get lunch. Melissa and I went back to Damark’s Deli for ice cream and to pick up veggies for dinner. Melissa made her famous BBQ chicken and her soon to be famous ribs for dinner. They were both delicious!

Day 4 – Tuesday July 17, 2012:

Didn’t even leave the house today, read bad magazines and helped the Ban’s make fish tocos and mango salsa. Exciting dessert creation of bananas, mango, gram crackers and marscapone cheese!

Day 5 – Wednesday July 18, 2012:

We left the compound today and went for lunch – Bostwick’s Chowder House for lunch and then walked around East Hampton.

Day 6 – Thursday July 19, 2012:

Last full day at the house so we decided to get massages at Naturopathica Spa. I went for the Tai Massage and Melissa chose the Nirvana.
  • NIRVANA MASSAGE – Utilizing slow, flowing, hypnotic strokes and incorporating our calming Lavender Blossom Bath and Body Oil to bring about a deep state of relaxation – a treatment perfect for those wishing to “zone out.”
  • THAI MASSAGE – Traditional Asian technique incorporating passive yoga-like stretching, gentle rocking, and rhythmic compression along energy lines. Performed on a floor mat, loose, comfortable clothing is required for this treatment.
Then we went to lunch at Nichols. In the late afternoon we took the puppies to the doggie beach where they played in the sand and ocean. For dinner we made linguine with clam sauce, garlic bread and peach pie for dessert.

Day 7 – Friday July 20, 2012:

Sadly our vacation has come to an end. Friday was really rainy which made heading home much easier.